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Arca Continental’s carbon footprint reduction plan validated by SBTi

Arca Continental _SBTi


  • Arca Continental establishes plan to reduce its carbon footprint by 2030, a goal validated by Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), an alliance between UN Global Compact and international organizations.
  • Arca Continental joins effort to stop global warming and foster sustainable development in its territories.


Monterrey, Mexico, September 14, 2023.- Arca Continental, one of the largest Coca-Cola bottlers in the world, announces its goal to reduce carbon emissions from its value chain by 2030. The goal has been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), an alliance between CDP, UN Global Compact, World Resources Institute (WRI) and World Wildlife Fund (WWF).


As part of its commitment to build a sustainable future and combine efforts for climate change mitigation, Arca Continental operates a sustainable business model which has its own Carbon Footprint Reduction Plan with three pillars:


a) Promotion of operational efficiency applies sustainable practices and optimization of systems. An example of this action item is the optimized carbonation process started in Mexico where beverages’ carbonic gas is diluted at higher temperatures. This will allow Arca Continental to reduce energy and refrigerate gas consumption, as well as decrease the environmental impact of this process. It is predicted that if this process were implemented in all its production lines, industrial refrigeration demand could decrease by 50 percent.


b) Incorporation of new technologies will allow Arca Continental to promote innovative solutions and greater energy efficiency. For example, renewable energy use has increased by 33 percent from 2020 due to energy production projects in Argentina, Mexico and the United States. In Argentina, facilities produce energy with sugar cane, and similarly, PIASA in Mexico. Also, the first 100% electric trucks deployed for the Industria Mexicana de Coca-Cola, a transportation unit that estimates to save 9,400 gasoline liters, reducing 16 tons of CO2 emission per year. Also, Arca Continental Coca-Cola Southwest Beverages’ Northpoint facility in the United States operates with 100% renewable energy. Lastly 5 out of 6 production centers in Peru are I-REC certified for using renewable energy sources.


c) The involvement of different actors among AC’s value chain have become allies to achieve joint objectives. For example, through Tonicorp in Ecuador, 5 cattle farmers were Neutral Carbon Footprint certified, meaning that 100percent of their carbon emissions are mitigated. In addition, Arca Continental works with its traditional channel clients in its territories to renew their cooling systems which use less energy and reduce their emissions. Additionally, the company plans to reach A World Without WasteInitiative goals through PetStar, the world’s largest food-grade plastic PET recycling plant, which is accredited as Neutral Carbon. PetStar is the only recycling plant with a Cradle-to-Cradle certification, which helps Arca Continental provide recycled resin to its supply chain while reducing emissions.


“When we signed our company’s adhesion to the Science Based Targets initiative, we did it with the strong belief to make a positive difference in people and the environment. By being part of this initiative and having our goals validated to achieve commitments of the Paris Agreement, we foster our industry competitiveness as well as we promote best practices to build a low carbon economy,” said Alejandro Molina, chief technical and supply chain officer for Arca Continental.


Arca Continental defines its course of action supported in science, adopting innovative solutions for reducing greenhouse gases emissions along its value chain, from packaging, manufacturing, and distribution.


“We will keep promoting continuous improvement projects and initiatives which strengthen AC’s sustainable business model, and which have a positive impact in the communities that we serve,” Molina said.


About Arca Continental

Arca Continental produces, distributes, and markets beverages under The Coca-Cola Company brand, as well as snacks under the Bokados brand in Mexico, Inalecsa in Ecuador, and Wise and Deep River in the United States. With an outstanding history spanning more than 97 years, Arca Continental is the second-largest Coca-Cola bottler in Latin America, and one of the largest in the world. Through its Coca-Cola franchise, the company serves more than 128 million people in the Northern and Western regions in Mexico, as well as in Ecuador, Peru, in the Northern region of Argentina, and in the Southwestern United States. Arca Continental is listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange under the ticker “AC”.


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