AC’s Sustainability Efforts Acknowledged by the London Stock Exchange and BIVA

AC’s Sustainability Efforts Acknowledged by the London Stock Exchange and BIVA


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AC’s Sustainability Recognized by London Stock Exchange and BIVA


Monterrey, Mexico. February 4, 2020. Arca Continental, one of the top Coca-Cola bottlers in the world, was ratified by the FTSE4Good index of the London Stock Exchange, which includes public companies worldwide that are strongly committed to best environmental, social, and corporate governance practices.

The FTSE4Good indexes group companies with outstanding performance in several key areas including managing and safeguarding ethics and transparency, the protection of human rights, a commitment to the development of society and employees, as well as environmental stewardship.

Out of the164 environmental, social, and corporate governance indicators assessed by FTSE4Good, Arca Continental scored higher than the average for companies in the consumption products sector, ranking among the top food and beverages companies worldwide.

In addition, Arca Continental is one of the 23 companies to be included on the recently created FTSE4Good BIVA index of the Bolsa Institucional de Valores (BIVA) in Mexico whose goal is to position Mexican companies with solid sustainability practices.

Further recognizing Arca Continental’s good sustainability practices, the company has also been listed on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for Latin America (MILA) since 2019 and on the MSCI Global Sustainability Indexes since 2014. In addition, it was one of the founding companies of the Sustainability Index of the Mexican Stock Exchange on which it has been listed since 2011, and it has been ratified for 16 consecutive years as a Socially Responsible Company by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (Cemefi). 


About Arca Continental

Arca Continental produces, distributes, and markets non-alcoholic beverages under The Coca-Cola Company brand, as well as snacks under the Bokados brand in Mexico, Inalecsa in Ecuador, and Wise and Deep River in the United States. With an outstanding history spanning 93 years, Arca Continental is the second-largest Coca-Cola bottler in Latin America, and one of the largest in the world. Through its Coca-Cola franchise, the company serves more than 123 million people in the Northern and Western regions in Mexico, as well as in Ecuador, Peru, in the Northern region of Argentina, and in the Southwestern United States. Arca Continental is listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange under the ticker “AC”. For more information about Arca Continental, please visit

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